Natural Hair

This isn't cute anymore:

I’m 31, the new 30 and I’m closer to my goal than when I started this blog. Now I’m trying to stay on the path that will get me healthy and on the other side of the clothing store. I’ve had my revenge moments and they felt great. Now I’m ready for more of those great moments, maybe this year I’ll propel down something, who knows. But I’m held back by 40 less things.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I seem to be more sporadic these days; I've started a few posts and then nothing. Like this one:

Thursday and Friday I just wasn’t feeling up to much, but did watch my food, then I woke up Saturday and it was sunny and opened my shades and promptly felt better and feel back asleep. Then I was lazy and caught up on some tivo on the couch snuggled in my down comforter just long enough to watch some crime drama, CSI and Bones. It was a little afternoon and I had a strange feeling. It was more of a craving and I thought I knew what it was, but ignored my first thought because I considered it crazy and outlandish and as I was getting dress to take my niece to a birthday party I realized I was dressing for the gym. My craving was a work out, just crazy. I dropped Jazzy (Jasmine) off and went to the gym and had a good time.
I jumped rope for the length of American Boy by Estelle to warm up then got on the treadmill. I paced it at 4.7 because I thought maybe I could do a 5k. When I got to 1.5 miles I decided to pause the machine and do some pushups and crunches. I looked up and the lady on the elliptical kind of gave me that approving head nod of my choice. Then I hoped back on. I was planning my next interlude when I decided on planks, front and sides at mile 2. Well, apparently I took too long and my session timed out. I have no idea how many calories were burned and I freaked out a bit, but I let it go. I felt good, my knees didn’t feel funny and I decided some more ab work and a good stretch were in order.
I weighed myself and I came in at 223! Not the 228 the doctor’s office said I weighed, but who do I believe?

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