I did an “arms up winner crossing the finish line” when I made it to 500. So I need a solid 40 minutes to get to 500 calories. I did some floor work and stretching afterwards. Crunches, planks (the planks were harder last night) renegade rows and supermans. During the superman is when one of the meaty (by meaty I mean large with muscles, I like meaty) trainers comes over and compliments my form on my yoga pose, the lotus. First I think “oh my gosh he’s meaty” then I think “Is he trying to get a new client?” and then I think “I think this is a sign I should stay for yoga”. He goes into the yoga head stand with his knees bent and goes through some more moves and that big guy sure can move. I was a little smitten, but Yoga was starting and he was putting back my dumbbells for me. (Slight swoon)
So yoga was taught by a woman whose due date was at the very least last week, but I didn’t let that make me feel bad for not being able to do all the poses she did for as long as she did. About half way through the class I felt like I really didn’t like yoga and I wanted it to stop. It was difficult holding the poses, but I contribute that to it being my second workout of the evening and pushed through. During the cool down I almost fell asleep, but the coldness of the room kept me up.
After my long hot delicious shower I dressed in my PJs and headed home. Again it was too late to make the mash potatoes so it was looking like a slim fast night, but I wanted to chew and had cheese and crackers. What can I say, I love my cheese. It was probably for the best because today I’m having Pho, either with my cousin who I suspect made these lunch plan with me last night after a few cocktails and will either not remember or be able to come out for lunch. Or I’m having it with a friend/ex-boss, either way, I’m having it and I’m having it good.
This weekend I need to get to this measuring and picture taking business. I’ll ask my sister or someone to take them for me; maybe my cousin and I can take hers. I also think I’m going to move my weigh in day to Monday and I guess I’ll go back to my gym scale since that’s the one I’ve been using. And perhaps cutting off food by a certain time. If I don’t go to the gym in the evening I think my cut off will be 7.
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