Natural Hair

This isn't cute anymore:

I’m 31, the new 30 and I’m closer to my goal than when I started this blog. Now I’m trying to stay on the path that will get me healthy and on the other side of the clothing store. I’ve had my revenge moments and they felt great. Now I’m ready for more of those great moments, maybe this year I’ll propel down something, who knows. But I’m held back by 40 less things.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Snow, a love hate relationship today

What a day, more like what a night. Work was fine, I had a to do list and a time frame and it was going well until, BAM!!!! Snow. Now I know what you’re thinking, snow, snowflakes pretty. NO! I work 6.7 miles from home, it took me 4, FOUR hours to get home. No bullshit.

I had my day planned by the hour. I nice long workout a shower, studying and sleeping, it was going to be full, productive and perfect. I left at 4 thinking I would go to the gym first, but the traffic was so bad I thought it best to head home. Now last night it was hard for me to not go to the gym, I passed by 2, but I knew I needed rest so I did and that’s why my day was going so well. I even got to work early! I was going to have a long workout and study. Cut to 3.5 hours later and I’m squatting in between my open passenger door and the back door taking the longest most public piss ever in my life.

I’m finally home and tired and sipping my whiskey. But I wanted to blog because I want a chocolate cupcake an I already had a whole pita pizza, boy was it good, but without the workout (I’m freaking out because this is the second day in a row) I’m over my calories, again! By 297 calories. That’s 20, 25 minutes on the elliptical. Tomorrow is most likely a snow day and I am doing some DVD for sure and studying. I might have a Stat quiz tomorrow.

I want to talk about this pita pizza I got going on. I just love it, it really hits the spot on you can put anything you want on it. I get the large whole wheat pita, pizza sauce and then the rest is up to you. And you know I put the squash and zucchini on it. I had the whole thing! But depending on what you put on it it’s around 500 calories and if you have half, like I should have, it’s even less. But do watch the sodium, which can be higher than I would like.

Last Post’s Comments:

Doc, I so very much hope the nausea goes away; I almost can’t wait to not have this dull ache all the time, who knew you didn’t always have to hurt? I also want to know how many I have, for some reason I’m stuck on how many. I’ve already asked and no, I cannot have them after. Boo I say, they are mine, I want them. But I understand. Lean Cuisine was on sale at Giant, it might still be, 5 for 10 bucks and I stocked up and I’m just trying all of them. Today I had the lemon pepper fish and it tasted better than it looks. The fish is crunchy and fools you into thinking you’re eating fried fish. The butternut squash ravioli is also really good.

Ms. H, you should totally get down on these veggies. It’s so easy to make a bunch and it keeps and can be transformed into so many things. If I can find some whole wheat orzo I’ll do a Greek thing with some of that fat free feta cheese that Trader Joe’s caries. Next time I’m going to throw an herb in there, maybe or sage.

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