Natural Hair

This isn't cute anymore:

I’m 31, the new 30 and I’m closer to my goal than when I started this blog. Now I’m trying to stay on the path that will get me healthy and on the other side of the clothing store. I’ve had my revenge moments and they felt great. Now I’m ready for more of those great moments, maybe this year I’ll propel down something, who knows. But I’m held back by 40 less things.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Monday Update and today

So Last night was Monday night and I had time of it with the eating. And I was trying to get out of working out, so I blogged and got myself to the gym. Since I had so much unnecessary food I decided that I need an hour of cardio, but left before yoga because I had to do homework. Let the juggling begin.

I got to 500 quicker than usually and took a picture to mark the occasion.

I did 200 random crunches and 40 pushups and stretched. I’ve taken to bringing PJs to change into after I work out and I even picked up a pair of men’s slippers. I’m not fan of PJs in public, but it’s after 9, I’m covered up by my coat and I’m going home.

I also had a weight in 225.5! I feel like I should have a bigger loss than 1.5 pounds, but it’s a loss and maybe if I say I’m okay with slow and steady it will eventually be true.

Onto today. I’m tired and didn’t work out; I’m trying to get my body rested so I can be productive. I need to catch up on work and homework and maybe have dinner with an old college friend. Today was going well until lunch. My Lean Cuisine was the roasted garlic chicken with spinach.

It was okay, but soupy, it could have used some rice, brown rice. It was not a satisfying lunch and then Baja Fresh meeting leftovers happened. I’m a little over my calories, but I’m a little over 1200 so I’m not extremely upset, but I see what I did wrong and my water intake is low for today.

So for dinner I had more roasted zucchini and squash and a few slices of eggplant with some red pepper flakes. This is my new obsession; I’m reared to have this for lunch and dinner with some brown rice for a while. But I think I’m going to try roasting some green beans with lemon pepper and a ginger. That should be good. I’d like to have as low calorie, fat and sodium dinner because of the Lean Cuisines I have for dinner.

Comments:I have a hard time following the comments I leave on other blogs so I will respond to the lovely comments at the end of my entries.
Sarah aka Ms Cheeks: It’s funny how my sex life seems to have disappeared with the pounds. Sometimes I regret making the rule that I only sleep (make the beast with two backs) with my boyfriend since I don’t have one. If you write a book, I can write the introduction.

Doc: Yes I did hurt and I deserved it. Too many sweets, even though I’m dreading the surgery, I’m looking forward to not having that pain and I hope the nausea I sometimes have is linked to the stones because that’s just unpleasant.


  1. I was always nauseated before the surgery and now it's gone, so I'm sure yours will go away to. I'm sorry your lunch choice was yuck. I'm pretty selected myself on those frozen dinners. I'm the same way in that if I'm not satisfied I want more food, even if my belly says it's full. At least I know to avoid that one. I pick things that I usually want but can't have much, like the pizzas and the pasta dishes. I love the cheese ravioli, only 240 cals. Great job on the workout!

  2. Your vegetable concoction sounds so delicios. I really love eggplant, I should make it more....
