Natural Hair

This isn't cute anymore:

I’m 31, the new 30 and I’m closer to my goal than when I started this blog. Now I’m trying to stay on the path that will get me healthy and on the other side of the clothing store. I’ve had my revenge moments and they felt great. Now I’m ready for more of those great moments, maybe this year I’ll propel down something, who knows. But I’m held back by 40 less things.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I got pants...that fit! - T minus 87

I went shopping during lunch, why yes it was Khol’s one day sale that I went to. I wore the same black pants Monday and Tuesday, not because I did the walk of shame, but because those are the only pants I have. The pants I was just wearing were no longer acceptable. I had to get new pants. While I could fit the 14s I felt better getting the 16s, I mean these are for work. I am brazen today, I’m wearing my new size 14 jeans. Only pants I have that fit me and I was in no mood for pantyhose trying on this morning. So I have 3 pairs of work pants and a few tops. I want to go home and pack away my old pants and say goodbye to them forever, but I know I need to get myself to the gym.

It was strange walking through the store in the not plus size section. I probably could have gotten some of the misses XL tops, but I didn’t love any of the top enough to spend money on them. I don’t think I’ve ever been this “small” before. I don’t ever remember not shopping in the plus size section or Lane Bryant. It’s a bit overwhelming, I just have to not somehow sabotage myself because it is a change, granted a good change, but a change nonetheless.

Well, folks, it’s that time of day again, the point of no return, time to change for the gym so I can keep on the good foot and smaller sizes.

T minus 88 - Tuesday

Oh what a day Tuesday was. For starters it wasn't Wednesday and I was greeted by craziness on the work front and personal front. I spent hours tracking down a package that was delivered to the person it was suppose to go to, but it wasn't in their hand it was in their inbox. So many theories as to how that happened, but I stop caring when I realized it the search had eaten up so much of my time and I couldn't get away to work out. While I was tracking this hand delivered package (it’s harder this way) I had apparently hurt a K's feeling. I was in no mood for girlie sensitivity especially when it wasn't an oversight it was a lack of someone checking their voicemail/email. Luckily C handle it for me because I was not in the mind frame to coddle, which is not my nature to begin with and I knew that's what was needed, as well as overlooking the word "consult".

So dinner went fine, feelings were less hurt and the food was good. I didn't eat the rice, they don't have brown, but there were some fried items that passed my lips and I love it. A little too much.

So to sum up, food, not great and exercise was nonexistent. I thought I would walk from Georgetown to the Metro, but it was cold and I was ready to be done with my day.

Monday, October 4, 2010

T minus 89

I'm blogging because for the last hour I've been thinking about going straight home and just calling it a night. I've been out of the office all day and I have work that will keep me busy until well past the 7:45 class, but I know I just need to rally. I've had entirely too much random un recorded junk to even think I can get out of this day without moving my body and I still owe Miss H a weigh in. The good news is the class is kickboxing which we haven't had in a while and with my favorite teacher, Mikey. I know I’m going to be fine once I get in there and I’ll enjoy myself and wonder why I’m being such a baby right now.

So without further hesitation I'm going to change for class and just do it!

Maybe no more corn for a while - T Minus 90

Thank you all for the comments, still in shock about the size 14 jeans, it's almost unreal. For dinner on Sunday I had some corn and chicken and around 1am I woke up in a world of hurt. This is the second time this has happened and I've decided it was the corn. I was up until most of the night with law & Order occasionally keeping my attention while I tried to drown my pain with the pink stuff and Maalox. I finally got some sleep, for the whole day - not at all productive :( My co worker mentioned how we're not really suppose to eat corn and I've heard this before, but never really thought it applied to me, but now it does. I hate to say it, but I will probably do it again next year when it's 12 for a dollar at the store, maybe I'll take some beano first. I just love fresh corn and I'm hard headed.

So food wasn't great and no activity besides the hanging up and sorting of clothes I did around midnight because I was up from sleeping all day. I did try on the dresses and they fit a little better, but still need some pounds to come off and I think the cut of one might make it hard to wear, even though it says it's a 16, I think I might have to be a 12 to wear that dress. Go figure and that's why it's important to try on clothes and not get hung up on the sizes, it's the cut!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Hay's for horses Denise - T Minus 91

Oh what plans I had for today, my days was laid out beautifully, things were going to get done, oh, yes, yes they were. So I wake up at 9:32 for my 9:30 class. I can't go to the noon class because my 8 year old niece knows that's when we are going to get me a jacket and then to the fair and then to the toy store because she saved up her birthday money and has already picked out the toy she's going to get. Not a problem I can get to the gym later on and just do some elliptical and weights. We did so much, went to Burlington coat factory and found nothing, went to Ross, found some cute things, I got a dress that I’m going to get altered. It was weird, I’m so use to grabbing 20s, I had to keep reminding myself to go to the 16s. I know this is my size because everything I liked was not in that size, much like when I was an 18 and a 20. We then made our way to the County fair, which had a free hayride. I had never been on a hayride and I’m sure there are others that are better but I just felt so bad for the horses, if it wasn’t for my allergy to them and the hay (still not sure why I went on that ride given those facts) and my fear of them (last time I was close to a horse, it had crud in it’s eye and took a swing at me with it’s head – not cool Mr. Ed, you scared me for life) I would have hugged it, thanked it and set it free, free to run and roam the Fairfax county government center. There were more stops and we got back from everything at 9:48 and I was in no mood to be out of doors anymore. My feet hurt and I'm tired and hungry and all the other excuses we use.

Silver lining: My jeans looked horrid on me and I've been convinced it's because they've stretch out from me wearing them. As luck would have it (I planned it that way, it was near the place we went to look for a new washer dryer combos, shhh!)We were by an Old Navy and they had jeans for 19 bucks, so I went in to get a sturdier pair and grabbed a 14, you know for shits and giggles, I just wanted to see if I was close to fitting in them. And holy hell ya'll, those motherfuckers fit me! I am still in a bit of disbelief that I got those things one me. I was going to quit as soon as they touched my thighs because I just immediately thought "oh, they won't fit" but I kept going. I was so excited, I got 2 pairs and I can't wait to wear them! Amazing size 14 jeans fit, but my size 16 dress still won't zip all the way up. Maybe it's time for another try...

Sunday I will do the boxing class and run after before going to the farmers market. I want my new jeans to be baggy and saggy soon.

T Minus 92 - UGH!

This post is for Friday, I didn't realize I was a day behind.

The day started off, not great. I was still feeling icky from the tummy pain so I had tea and crackers for breakfast (it was the meal of maybe the towel person, not the champions, wasn't even the towel person for the team the champions were on). That settled things and I ended up having my breakfast for lunch. I packed more snacks this day and I ate less of it, I find I do this everytime I over pack. It's like if I have them, I'm less hungry, but if I feel like I have too less I eat it all, you know because that's all the food I have in the world and that's all I'll ever had.

I did make it to the 6:30 boxing class and he burned our shoulders up. I felt off and sluggish, but I did what I could and wished I could do more.

And now it kind of goes down hill. We had pizza for dinner, I had the thin crust with veggies, but I feel I should have had a salad with chicken breast, but I was weak and I had some, but according to my calorie counter, i was within my limit of calories 1463 for the day.